May 21, 2024

What Makes a Great Branding and Marketing Consultant (and Why You Need One)

Juggling every aspect of your business — finance, operations, HR, and marketing — can take a toll in more ways than one. On top of the sheer stress that comes with multitasking, you may be missing out on valuable outside perspectives. A branding or marketing consultant can take the lead on your marketing efforts, leaving you more time to focus on your company’s mission. If you’re scared to commit to a consultant, no worries. We’ve outlined the essential traits that elevate a marketing consultant from decent to great. But first, let’s start with the basics.

What does a marketing/branding consultant do?

Though the titles are often used interchangeably, a marketing consultant and branding consultant are not exactly the same. Depending on the company’s specific needs, a marketing consultant assists business owners by identifying an ideal target audience, conducting market research, and/or overseeing marketing campaigns.

A branding consultant specializes in one essential element of marketing efforts: building and maintaining an identity that distinguishes your company from competitors. Since the responsibilities of both roles are closely related, most marketing consultant agencies cover brand strategy as well. That explains why the titles are often swapped.

What qualifications does a marketing consultant need? Regardless of what you call them, anyone you trust to build your marketing strategies should be capable of the following tasks.

Conducting Data-Driven Market Research: Pouring money into ads without thorough research often does more harm than good. The ideal consultant will begin by investigating…

Your ideal target audience. Occasionally, the consumer a business owner envisioned for their company doesn’t line up with reality. Your marketing consultant can reveal entirely new groups of people who need your unique offerings, while also understanding their values.

Your competitive advantages. An outsider’s perspective is especially useful during the vital step of reviewing your strengths objectively.

Trends in your industry. Why are all your rivals advertising on a new social platform? Is interest in a particular service growing among the next generation of consumers? Your consultant should be able to answer these questions (and know to ask them in the first place).

When performing market research, data should take precedent. Your consultant should provide evidence that all their findings — whether focused on your target audience’s preferences, your rivals’ ad expenditure, or industry trends — are grounded in concrete numbers from accurate sources. Ask all marketing consultant agencies about the data tools and techniques in their arsenal before committing.

Strengthening Your Brand Identity

Once your marketing consultant has gathered critical background information, they’ll delve into brand building. Your business’ brand identity is more than its name. It encompasses the values your company espouses, the visuals and language that make it easily recognizable, and the overall feelings consumers associate with it. A consultant or brand strategist can strategically adjust each element of your business’ identity to cater to your target audience, all without compromising your original mission. If you aren’t sure where to start, branding consultants for small businesses often specialize in building a company’s identity from scratch. Take a look at our case studies for examples.

Reaching Your Target Audience Through Marketing Campaigns

Sounds obvious, right? But how to connect with your consumers isn’t always spelled out in the market research. Your marketing consultant agency should have experience across several digital channels (including social media marketing, SEO, web design, and PPC campaigns). That way, your business can meet its ideal audience at all potential touch points.

Finding a Branding and Marketing Consultant in San Antonio

We recognize that marketing is equal parts art and science. Connect with us to learn how our data-driven campaigns amplify your mission and form meaningful relationships with consumers.

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