May 21, 2024

Digital Branding vs. Digital Marketing (and How to Tackle Both)

Who are you, and why should your target audience care? Digital branding and digital marketing answer both questions, in that order. Though it can be tempting to share as much about your business with as many people as possible, you must carefully develop a brand identity first. That will ensure your efforts don’t come across as flurried or sloppy. If you aren’t familiar with digital branding or marketing, don’t panic — the basics aren’t terribly hard. This quick overview will cover:

●      The definitions of both digital branding and marketing

●      Basic guidelines for digital branding

●      How to effectively establish brand awareness through digital marketing

Digital Branding vs. Digital Marketing

These terms are so closely related that they’re often mistaken for synonyms.

Digital branding refers to the process of creatively and strategically establishing your company’s identity online. Your brand is more than your logo or name (although both of those elements are critical). Companies must also consider…

●      Visual branding elements like the color palette, fonts, and design associated with your company.

●      Written branding elements like the tone, language, or slogans that make your business’ voice stand out in digital channels.

●      Brand credibility, or what establishes your company as a leader in your industry. This includes the distinctive content, deals, or innovations your target audience can expect from you.

Meanwhile, digital marketing refers to the tactics that actually gain customers and boost sales. For example, how are you optimizing your website for search engines? How are you building brand awareness on social media platforms?

In summary, your branding and digital marketing strategy are codependent. Branding establishes how your target audience perceives you across all digital channels. Digital marketing turns them into devoted customers who make purchases or commitments.

Digital Branding’s Cardinal Rules

Surprisingly, poor branding is sometimes more noticeable than amazing branding. That’s because great brands feel so natural; the company’s ads are visually unified, their content is enjoyable and easy to understand, and simply hearing their name conjures up positive thoughts. Try looking at the examples of established local brands for inspiration.  

Following a few simple rules can help you get started. Exceptional digital branding should…

1. Resonate with Your Target Audience

Before finalizing any branding element, ask yourself: Does this line up with the potential customers I want to attract? If you don’t have a deep understanding of your target audience yet, consider finding a consultant to lead data-driven research.

2. Be Original

Much easier said than done, right? But market research plays an essential role here too. Look at what your competitors are doing, then reflect on what makes you unique. Those special traits are the foundation of your brand.

3. Apply Across All Digital Channels

Although your company’s voice should be consistent, the kind of language that performs well in email marketing might not get clicks on social media platforms. Think about how your branding needs to evolve based on the best practices of each digital channel.

Building Brand Awareness Through Digital Marketing

Once you’ve established your company’s brand, it’s time to share that identity with potential customers. Brand awareness involves getting consumers familiar with your business and its distinctive offerings. This is the first customer-facing step of digital marketing.  

No matter your target audience, you’ll probably need to establish marketing strategies for the following digital channels:

●      Search engines: Search engine optimization (or SEO) is a cornerstone of digital marketing. In fact, nearly half of all consumers use Google to discover new products and brands.

●      Social media platforms: Social media ads often allow nuanced targeting for the most affordable price. Additionally, these platforms make it easy to research what terms and topics are popular among your target audience.

●      Email marketing: Emails allow you to keep in touch with existing customers, while also promoting offers for those who have yet to commit.

Digital Branding Services in San Antonio

The tenets of digital branding are fairly straightforward. However, like any other skill, mastering the craft can take a lifetime. Perfecting your marketing strategy for each digital channel is a team effort.

Contact us for customized support through all stages of your digital marketing journey, from initial brand awareness through customer conversion.

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